Service point page
Roihuvuori sports park
Municipal service, Culture and Leisure Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Satumaanpolku 4, 00820 Helsinki
+358 9 310 71535 (call)
No email provided
No home page provided
Facility supervisors
Liikuntapuiston alue käytettävissä, pukusuojat suljettu: – Mon-Sun 8.00-22.00
Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)
Services: The sports park features dressing rooms, showers and toilet facilities, which are open from 8.00 to 21.00 in the summer and winter seasons. In the autumn and spring seasons, they are closed.
Web sites
Sports facilities at the Sports Park (new tab)
See reserved slots (new tab)
Rules and regulations (new tab)
Electronic services
Registering for sports and exercise courses - Register with e-services (new tab)