Service map

Service point page

Helsinki Central Library Oodi

Look at the route to this place(New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)

Picture of service point: Helsinki Central Library Oodi

Municipal service, Culture and Leisure Division, City of Helsinki. Source:

Contact information

  • Töölönlahdenkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki


  • +358 9 310 85000 (call)

    Phone number:



  • Home page (new tab)

  • Perusaukiolo 2022-24: – Mon-Fri 8.00-21.00 – Sat-Sun 10.00-20.00 Date period: Nov. 1, 2024 - 8.00-18.00 Itsenäisyyspäivä: Dec. 6, 2024 - 12.00-18.00 Date period: Dec. 23, 2024 - 8.00-18.00 Jouluaatto: Dec. 24, 2024 closed Joulupäivä: Dec. 25, 2024 closed Tapaninpäivä: Dec. 26, 2024 closed Date period: Dec. 31, 2024 - 8.00-16.00 Uudenvuodenpäivä: Jan. 1, 2025 closed

    Opening hours:

  • Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)

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    Web sites

    • Kotisivu (Helmet) (new tab)

    • Kotisivu (Helmet) englanniksi (new tab)

    • Kotisivu (Helmet) ruotsiksi (new tab)

    Map. Currently map information is only accessible visually.