Service map

Service point page

Urban Environment Division, Customer Services

Look at the route to this place(New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)

Municipal service, Urban Environment Division, City of Helsinki. Source:

Contact information

  • Työpajankatu 8, 00580 Helsinki


  • +358 9 310 22111 (call)

    Phone number:

  • No email provided


  • Home page (new tab)

  • Valid for the time being: – Mon 12.00-15.00 – Tue-Wed 8.30-12.00 – Thu-Fri 12.00-15.00 – Sat-Sun closed

    Opening hours:

  • Our telephone service +358 931022111 is open Mon-Thu 8.30-16.00 and Fri 12.00-15.00.

    Opening hours:

  • Please note that the earliest time you can get a shift number is 11.00 on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. At the Building Control Services Archives, customers are received on Fridays by appointment.

    Opening hours:

  • Our on-call Parking Enforcement service is available at tel. +358 9 310 70014, Mon-Thu 16.00-20.00, Fri 8.15-12.00 and 15.00-20.00, Sat 10.00-15.30, and Sun 11.00-17.00

    Opening hours:

  • After-hour notifications about dangerous street damage tel. +358 9 310 39310. (Please do not send feedback or questions related to winter maintenance or vehicle removal to this number.)

    Opening hours:

  • Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)

Web sites

  • Contact us (new tab)

Electronic services

  • Allekirjoita pitkäaikainen vuokrasopimus (new tab)

  • Apply for a demolition permit or submit a demolition notice - Apply for a permit or submit a notice (new tab)

  • Ilmoita vuokraoikeuden siirrosta - Hae siirron kirjaamista Maanmittauslaitokselta (new tab)

  • Report an illegally parked vehicle (new tab)

  • Terminate a resident parking permit - Terminate a permit purchased on or after 17 January 2024 (new tab)

  • Terminate a resident parking permit - Terminate a permit purchased no later than 16 January 2024 (new tab)

  • Karttakori - Sähköinen asiointi (new tab)

  • Claim for rectification of a decision on the reimbursement of vehicle removal costs - View the vehicle transfer information and make a rectification claim (new tab)

  • Buy a resident parking permit or extend the validity - Buy a permit or extend the validity (new tab)

  • Urban Environment Division's customer service - Feedback form (new tab)

  • Update the address on a resident parking permit - Update your address for a permit purchased on or after 17 January 2024 (new tab)

  • Update the address on a resident parking permit - Update your address for a permit purchased no later than 16 January 2024 (In Finnish) (new tab)

  • Update your license plate number on a resident parking permit - Update the license plate number for permits purchased on or after 17 January 2024 (new tab)

  • Update your license plate number on a resident parking permit - Update the registration plate number for permits purchased no later than 16 January 2024 (new tab)

  • Extend the due date of a parking fine by 30 days (new tab)

  • Contest a parking fine - View the parking fine information and make a rectification claim (new tab)

  • Tee vikailmoitus ulkovalaistuksesta (new tab)

  • Tilaa maalämpökaivon ennakkoselvitys (new tab)

  • Learn more about applying for a planning permission for minor construction for geothermal heat wells - Geothermal heating on the City of Helsinki website (new tab)

  • Vastaavan työnjohtajan hyväksyminen - Nimeä vastaava työnjohtaja (new tab)

  • Notification on transfer of leasehold - Applying for registration of the transfer from the National Land Survey of Finland (new tab)

  • Underteckna långtidsarrendeavtalet - Underteckna av långtidsarrendeavtalet (new tab)

  • Meddela om överföring av arrenderätten - Ansök om inskrivning av överföringen hos Lantmäteriverket (new tab)

  • Signing a long-term lease agreement - Sign a long-term lease agreement (new tab)

Map. Currently map information is only accessible visually.