Service point page
Itäkeskus swimming hall / Gym 1
Fitness and exercise equipment in Itäkeskus swimming hall’s gym.
Municipal service, Culture and Leisure Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Olavinlinnantie 6, 00900 Helsinki
+358 9 310 87202 (call)
No email provided
No home page provided
Kuntosali on auki: – Mon-Wed, Fri 6.15-22.00 – Thu 11.00-22.00 – Sat-Sun 8.00-22.00 Sisäänpääsy päättyy 20:30. Harjoitusaika päätyy 21:30, jonka jälkeen 30 min aikaa poistua hallista. Kuntosalin siivoustauko: – Mon-Fri 13.00-13.30 Cleaning break/Maintenance break Kuntosali varattuna: – Mon 10.00-13.30 Reserved "Seniors, +64 yo" 16.45-17.45 Reserved – Tue-Fri 10.00-12.00 Reserved "Seniors, +64 yo" Yläkerran pukuhuone on auki: – Mon-Wed, Fri 6.15-19.00 – Thu 11.00-19.00 – Sat-Sun 8.00-19.00 Alakerran pukuhuone on auki: – Mon-Wed, Fri-Sun 10.00-22.00 – Thu 11.00-22.00 Unisex pukuhuoneen siivoustauko: – Sat-Sun 12.30-13.30 Cleaning break/Maintenance break
Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)
Service point description
The large gym at Itäkeskus Swimming Hall has an extensive selection of various gym machines and opportunities for diverse workouts. You can train with the gym machines or the free weights and training equipment available, such as kettlebells, dumbbells and balance boards. The large gym also offers pneumatic equipment that are particularly suitable for seniors. The smaller gym downstairs at the swimming hall includes equipment such as stationary bicycles, a step machine and equipment designed for functional workouts, such as TRX bands and free weights.
Adults - one visit €6 - 10 visits or 1 month €48 - season card €100 Children (15-17 y/o) and Others (senior citizens, students, unemployed, disabled, conscripts and conscientious objectors, asylum or temporary protection seekers and those who have received a decision on the matter) - one visit €3,30 - 10 visits or 1 month €26 - season card €50 - personal customer card (10 visits, 1 month or season card) €4
Web sites
Itäkeskus swimming hall (new tab)
Gym 2 (new tab)
Chargeable customer cards contract terms (new tab)
Definitions for the price groups (new tab)
Regulations and instructions (new tab)
Introductory video (new tab)